photography blog

We photograph new and interesting things every day. Here we write about our industry, keep you up to date with the world of mobile photography and provide tips and tricks for Darwin residents.

Speak Dog Puppy Graduation

Calling all proud parents/owners, the photos from the Speak Dog Puppy Graduation on the 24th of August are up. Just go to the Buy Event Photos link at the top right of the page to view, or just follow this link For high resolution downloads, contact Jess on 0410 242 220 or email [email protected] Cheers  

BNI Arafura Group Photoshoot

I have the privilege to be a member of the BNI Arafura group in Darwin which meets every Wednesday for business networking. A couple of weeks ago I had an opportunity to give a 10 minute presentation in front of the group. Instead of the normal speech and powerpoint presentation, I decided to do something […]